Advanced Pistol Handling
Gun Owners Action League annual training/fundraising event.
September 18, 2019, 9am-5:00pm
Gun Owners Action League annual training/fundraising event.
September 18, 2019, 9am-5:00pm
Instructor: Rob Pincus
Weather: Sunny 50-65°
Location: Worcester Pistol & Rifle Club, Boylston, MA
Class Size: 8 males
This is the second year that I have attended this class with Rob Pincus. He was kind enough to donate his time for a week in September for training classes in support of GOAL. Members of GOAL living behind enemy lines thank you, Rob and Jon Green! This was a small class of all alumnus of a Rob Pincus pistol class. We all knew each other from either Mondays class or a previous years class so it was a very familiar feeling and a relaxed atmosphere. The range had a fraternity class-reunion kind of vibe to it.
Rob gave us a medical and safety briefing and an outline of the class. He said it would be a class of advanced pistol manipulations and unorthodox shooting positions that we could possibly find ourselves needing. He stressed these skills were much less likely needed in a defensive encounter but still in the realm of possibilities. We were about to learn skills that could be physically and mentally uncomfortable and to pace ourselves so we would have enough energy to last the whole day. If some the drills were too demanding for our bodies to sit the drill or multiple reps of the drill out. (no one needed to exercise this option throughout the day.)
We warmed up with some single shots into the center mass from the ready position at about 15-20 feet from the target and quickly increased to multiple shots and Moving laterally on our draw and reloads. When Rob called out a number we had a single shot to hit the 2” numbered circle with the number he called out.
We recharged our magazines and were told if we had knee pads to put them on. We shot from the ready position kneeling and seated on the ground working our way up to our feet before reholstering. We added drawing from the holster on our knees and seated on the ground making sure we were careful not to have our muzzle cross our body or anyone else on the line. Again we were shooting multiple shots into the center mass and a single shot into a 2” circle when a number was called out.
We shot multiple drills one-handed; strong side and one-handed weak side. We learned how to perform reloads using only one hand, both strong side and only using our weak hand. We practiced clearing malfunctions two-handed and single-handed both strong and weak sides and got many reps in with each hand both shooting center mass and the precision 2” circles. We shot from our backs and from our stomachs facing the target and facing away from the target reloading when we reached sidelock working our way to our feet before reholstering. We shot from sitting in many different types of chairs and getting up safely with guns in our hands, making sure we were not flagging ourselves or anyone else on the line.
One of the drills I found I needed to work on was fine precision shots. We were given a very precise location on the target and told to put a bullet hole inside a very small area within the target. We were about 15-18 feet away and I was continuously about a quarter of an inch to a half-inch too high or to the right of where I thought I was aiming. We were essentially trying to put our bullet within a bullet hole size area of the target. Many of the students were able to put a hole exactly where he wanted it. Impressive! I was NOT one of them.
We ran the flow drill a few times during the day which was a constant movement of standing accessing, down to kneeling assessing and then down to sitting on the ground accessing, back to standing… a constant loop. At some point, Rob would call out the UP command and we were to fire multiple shots into the center mass box on our target. Continue on to the next position of the drill. If we shot during the kneeling or seated on the ground position we would have to move to the next position while holding the gun in ready position until we got to the standing position and then re-holstered. We did this loop until all our mags were empty.
We shot from behind cover, both left side and right side making sure we were not exposing ourselves when leaning out. An important part of this drill was not to fully extend once the drill started. We had to look at the target access where we were going to shoot and then extend the gun out all while our body was behind cover.
The last drill of the day was to do a mag dump as fast as we could into the center mass box of our target from about twenty feet. After each mag we would access the target if our group was too tight we were told to fire the next mag faster. We did this for all three of our mags. It was fun controllable accurate fire very fast.
This was a very fun class. I would say this was the best Rob Pincus class I have taken. He was laid back, funny and very friendly towards the students. We did some physically demanding drills and most of our bodies were tired and sore by the end of the day. Everyone one of us had a very good time and new skills were learned. We cleaned up the range said our goodbyes until next year and I was out the gate by 5:15