I'm always hearing you can use the same bushing for Clay Dot and Hodgson Clays to get the same velocity. That is not true. Here is the data:
Hodgson Clays:
I'll test again, but I believe that a #30 bushing will bring the HClays int the standard skeet 1145 ft/sec range.
- 12 Gauge
- AA HS hulls - Once fired
- Windjammer Wads
- Cheddite Primers
- MEC 9000gn
- #32 Bushing
- 1-1/8 oz Shot
- Beretta 686 Silver Pigeon Sporting

Hodgson Clays:

I'll test again, but I believe that a #30 bushing will bring the HClays int the standard skeet 1145 ft/sec range.