Cody Lundin threatened by psychopath

Never liked teti from the first episode with him taking canteburys place. One scene when teti kills a pig with his knife and after the animal is expired he growls ans snorts and waves the bloody knife around staring at it....i was done. The two new guys are actually cool. I did like cody lundin though.

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I don't know who any of these people are.
Should I? [thinking]
Dual survival on discovery channel. Actually not a bad show.
I liked him on the show, I liked him and the other guy. Agreed on the firestarting, it was almost religious how he did it.

Never got the barefoot thing.
Dave & Cody had good mojo and were entertaining. Teti seemed like he had a hard-on about everything and an "I'm always right" attitude. The two newest characters don't really hold my attention for too long. It's like the producers are trying to recapture the old Dave & Cody days by having one ex-military guy and one back to nature guy sans the chemistry.
Cody has bad luck with co-stars. His first one, Dave Canterbury, got fired when it was found he embellished his military service. Now he's got Teti stalking him[thinking]
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