Colt Commander: Is this a good price?

Jan 22, 2009
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Local shop has a stainless Commander with trijicon sights (I think they called a Jeff Cooper edition) and ambi safety for $900. I really like the pistol. Is it a fair price?
In MA this is the old "well, whats it worth to YOU?" question.

I'd say if you like it, go for it. I don't really see that many colt commanders in MA
to begin with....

FiremanBob: If you really like it, it's a fair price. But I would put that 900 dollars into a S&W commander size 1911 instead. Better workmanship and a factory warranty. I have two all-steel commanders I bought in 1979 and 1980. Both are that brushed nickel finish. And while both function OK, the newer S&W models are much better in my opinion. Accuray and function is better as well as internal finish with the S&Ws. Heresy, I know.
Colt commander

I don't know if this helps you judge but Collectors in Stoneham has a stainless gov't for $799.00 and a stainless gold cup for $999.00. Both are series 80.
I think the price is in the "reasonable" ballpark - it's so hard to say with MA inflation. Personally, the price is a little high for my tastes, but I'm a cheap SOB so what do I know? If I wanted the gun I'd offer $700 and see where you can go with it.

But if you REALLY like the pistol, and you have $900 and you're not counting on reselling it, then why not buy it? There are a lot of pistols you can get for $900 and under, but if this is the one you want, I don't think anyone would fault you for buying it. You're not getting a deal on it, but if you find a gun that you just love to shoot, that's priceless in my mind.
Also, for $900.00, make sure the gun is set up the way you want it. If you don't like those sights, which I don't at all, you're probably paying a little extra dough for them. If you're like me and would replace them with honest to goodness commander sights, you're not getting your moneys worth.
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