Colt Trooper MK III

OK I will read em, you talking general or specifically pertaining to this area... I briefly did a little while back, not sure what was wrong? Search feature?
Fair enough. Honestly was unaware that there was even a paying membership. I must have not been paying attention when I created my account.

Just to set the record straight as well. I was not fishing for prices to sell at. Just acquired the piece at a good price and was curious as to what it's worth might be. Gunbroker only had one or two similar and none of my regular gun shops had any posted for sale so I figured I would reach out to some forum members. I was not aware I was creating a sin. Thanks anyway!
My quote for paying $21 is just a joke. It's not required for you to join the forum, but, do highly recommended.

Mike already post the forum rule link. As always, you can use gunbroker for price references.

Sent from my iPhone 5.
I know it was a joke. In the link posted to me it mentioned a little something about a paid membership, so my response was to his not your post. Sorry for the confusion.
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