Cool AR-15 trigger creep remover

Mar 21, 2011
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Has anyone seen/used this?


I do my own trigger jobs on my ar-15s and have not yet had the gumption to drill and fully tap the grip screw to install a setscrew to remove creep. This cool little bolt removes the need to modify the lower for this mod. I bought a few to try them out.

Right now I strope the trigger surfaces with chromium polish on a surface plate, chop the tail off the hammer and install a JP Enterprises reduced power spring set. I am down to a consistent 4 pound pull, but there is still a little creep.

One problem is the hammer sear engagement on a stock AR trigger. This engagement is referred to as "positive" because when you apply pressure to the trigger you actually cam the hammer backwards prior to release. This rearward motion is the creep you feel. The bolt you refer to limits the travel of the trigger/sear which, in turn, limits hammer sear engagement. With less engagement, you will feel less "creep". The downside is the less hammer/sear engagement, the more likely you might have an AD.

Rather than play with the stock trigger group, I use a JP trigger. At about $150 this trigger is one of the best deals in AR triggers. Don't forget the JP hammer and trigger pins, a great deal at about $10. Other aftermarket manufacturers want over $30 for the same type of pin.
I have a stag lower which was threaded all the way through. I installed a set screw to remove a lot of the creep and it worked great for over a year and at least a thousand rounds, no ADs. I did have to adjust the safety because you are really just "pulling the trigger" part of the way with this mod and the safety may limit adjustment(trigger travel) using this method of removing creep(pretravel). It can make a big difference in the trigger, it did on mine, and the JP I have now is only slightly better.
If you have taps (or a friend with a bottoming tap) then you can get the same effect by paying <$1 for a set screw and new grip screw. Look up the 50 cent trigger job if you want to see what you can do. You only need the tap IF the grip screw hole [in your lower] is not fully threaded. Most small hardware stores will have the screws you need. Especially True Value stores. So with that item from JoeBob, at $14 (sale price) is more than 14x more than you need to spend. Even more when you factor in shipping costs (if you're not ordering more than $90 worth of stuff).
For the $24 this thing costs, I'd rather just pick up a RRA match trigger for $75.

I would too, but the two stage trigger is $120.

Gold, I agree that you can just tap the lower, but I think this is a cleaner installation.

I am able to tune the stock parts quite well comparing favorably to my 2-stage Geissele. Creep is the last part of the equation I am trying to solve.

The two stage trigger is on sale with a dealer account for $65 with free shipping this week on

If you had a C&R FFL you could get dealer pricing. Yet another reason to get a C&R FFL.
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If you have taps (or a friend with a bottoming tap) then you can get the same effect by paying <$1 for a set screw and new grip screw. Look up the 50 cent trigger job if you want to see what you can do. You only need the tap IF the grip screw hole [in your lower] is not fully threaded. Most small hardware stores will have the screws you need. Especially True Value stores. So with that item from JoeBob, at $14 (sale price) is more than 14x more than you need to spend. Even more when you factor in shipping costs (if you're not ordering more than $90 worth of stuff).

I did this mod on one of my stag rifles. Yes the creep is gone but the trigger pull is still gritty and not smooth. I did the 15 min trigger job and like that better than just the creep remover. Also I used a nylon tipped set screw
I don't mind creep so much I rather have a little creep than rough feel.
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