CT Shooter's Mom was a Prepper

Apr 20, 2011
Upstate NY
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I saw them interview the aunt tonight, and she mentioned that she recently spoke to the shooter's mom about prepping. She said they were both concerned about the upcoming economic collapse. Another guy they spoke to mentioned she (the mom) had been collecting guns and regularly went to the range.

This story is just horrible. The pictures of the little victims are coming out, and it is unbelievable that someone could hurt those kids like that.
what makes you say that?

What makes me say that I saw something on TV? I was just re-stating what a family member said. I am not implying anything beyond that fact. I do hope that it does not become a major theme in the reporting.

I just found it unusual that she used the words 'prepping' and 'economic collapse' in an interview with the media.
I can't believe these people are dumb to speak to the media at a time like this. She should just say "Sorry, I can't talk about this right now, it's just too hard..." and blow them off. 75% of the time all mass media does is exploit people for the benefit of ratings.

Seems they always find someone in the extended family willing to talk, usually seems to be someone that is loosely related or hardly talks to the family anymore but is up for getting their face on TV!

I can't believe these people are dumb to speak to the media at a time like this. She should just say "Sorry, I can't talk about this right now, it's just too hard..." and blow them off. 75% of the time all mass media does is exploit people for the benefit of ratings.

No shortage of folks "coming forward" now. All of them are talking about how "this kid was a ticking time bomb.. he was a goth nerd in high school!! He was hyper smart and socially withdrawn! How could we have missed this!!".
I saw them interview the aunt tonight, and she mentioned that she recently spoke to the shooter's mom about prepping. She said they were both concerned about the upcoming economic collapse. Another guy they spoke to mentioned she (the mom) had been collecting guns and regularly went to the range.

This story is just horrible. The pictures of the little victims are coming out, and it is unbelievable that someone could hurt those kids like that.

I saw the same interview. The reporter also asked her if she felt the gun laws should be changed and she basicly replied that guns are not the problem no need to change the laws.
I can't believe these people are dumb to speak to the media at a time like this. She should just say "Sorry, I can't talk about this right now, it's just too hard..." and blow them off. 75% of the time all mass media does is exploit people for the benefit of ratings.

Best advice in dealing with these bottom feeders. They will always distort your words for gain of readership and push an agenda as they see fit. They are whores and liars bent on distortion of truth.
Best advice in dealing with these bottom feeders. They will always distort your words for gain of readership and push an agenda as they see fit. They are whores and liars bent on distortion of truth.

I was the only eyewitness to a small airplane crash a few years ago. I was on the hold-short line waiting to take the runway and saw it all 40 ft away. I was waiting for the NSTB to come interview me and was approached by a reporter to give a statement. I agreed provided that she not edit within any given q/a. i.e. she could drop questions, but once she asked the question, she could not edit my reply. She agreed, I think thinking that it wouldn't matter.

Then I pulled my phone from my pocket, put it on voice recorder and asked her to repeat her answer to my request. I left it on for the interview. We did the interview and none of my responses were edited.

I got that trick from a friend whose husband was a reporter. He said that you should always get "your own tape" of an interview. That way you can sue for slander/libel if they distort what you say.

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