Cutting down a pistol magazine??

Jan 4, 2009
Not Mass
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Ok, maybe this is stupid. But. I have a S&W model 457 ( values series .45acp ) I love this gun, and it makes a great cold weather carry. I would like a shorter mag to maybe make it more practical for some of the warmer months as an alternative to my Bodyguard .380. By biggest issue is the pinky extension and the 3/8 or so of aluminum magazine the stick out beyond the frame. the 457's have a 7 shot mag, and I hoping at some point that a gun shop may have a CS45 mag to compare it to and or modify to make work

but has any ever attempted ( successfully ) to cut down a mag like this? any suggestions?

heres a stock pic of my gun

457 pic.jpg
I would just live with the slight extension of the mag below the frame. I have carried a 4516 for years (which uses the same mag); the slight extension of the mag never bothered me.
Actually I know a guy that does this. He does a lot of the SA EMP mags. If you go over to he goes by "logman" he is also on the You can see what he does in a good thread with pictures.
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