CZP10c Trigger pull and Size VS G19


NES Member
Jan 20, 2013
Mass Blah Blah Blah
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I usually wait till I have atleast 500 rounds down range with a firearm before I change parts to get a ballpark where the pistol sits and today I had a chance to check pull weight for it and after 600 rounds and all stock it had a 5lb 2 oz and after installing the Wolff Glock 5lb striker spring it dropped down and feels pretty good. Been a flawless pistol so far.

Pretty close to the G19 IMOP, trigger and recoil is better on the CZ

20664543_839652242878822_384919385099218340_n.jpg .. 19990177_839652306212149_2943911428402919657_n.jpg IMG_7502.jpg FullSizeRender.jpg <--G19 under the CZ in this pic.
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I shot a friends the other day. It's 1000x better than the G19 that it was modeled after. My one complaint is, while rapid firing, my finger would drag between the trigger guard and the bottom of the trigger. Kind of pinch my finger a bit. I also shot his CZ Shadow II. Such a nice pistol!
I shot a friends the other day. It's 1000x better than the G19 that it was modeled after. My one complaint is, while rapid firing, my finger would drag between the trigger guard and the bottom of the trigger. Kind of pinch my finger a bit. I also shot his CZ Shadow II. Such a nice pistol!
It can pinch the finger but place the trigger at the center of your index finger (Tip) and will be a non issue, worked for me.
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