Damnit, I bought another one!

Feb 22, 2010
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So, I have been teaching my 8 year old to shoot with a .22 rifle. He loves it, and is a pretty decent shot. The other day he says "Dad, can I shoot a pistol now?". Since I didn't own any pistols smaller than a 9mm I told him he would have to wait. Well, today I stopped at a gun shop in the town where I grew up. I haven't been there in years, and it was nice to see these folks. I spotted a used Ruger MKII on the wall, and asked how much it was. He took it down and handed it to me. Then he told me the price. I thought it was a bit high, but the gun sure was perfect! I told my old friend that if the price were $50 less, I would buy it. He said "Hell, that sounds fine to me". So, at that point, I couldn't resist! I took my new Ruger home and gave her a thorough cleaning. Reassembled, and all prettied up! Now I can't wait to take my boy out for his first try at pistol shooting!![smile]
That's great.

You do know you are now obligated to put pics up of both the new pistiol and your son shooting it, right? It's the law. Not sure who's law, but I know it's true because I heard about it on the internet. [grin]
That is terrific, I love shooting with my boys, 12 and 10. Please post a pic of your son shooting and take him to an Appleseed when he gets older.
We just went out and shot 50 rounds with the MK II. He loves it! I was a bit nervous, and stood right over him the whole time. I trust him, but the gun is still a bit heavy in his little hands, and I didn't want him to drop it or lower it toward his feet with his finger on the trigger. He did well though. The first 10 didn't hit the paper at 15 feet. The second ten started hitting paper. Then we talked about trigger control, grip, and breathing. After that, they were all in the black! Overall it was a great time. I'm so fortunate to live in a place where I can shoot behind my house.
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