I have noticed that a lot of dealers are posting in the WTB Handguns forum. For example, this morning 508Guns&Ammo had so many posts that they took took up the entire front page.
I have found that my own posts get buried so quickly by these types of postings, and that I have to scroll through pages of posts just to get to actual posts by members here looking to make private sales.
I am not saying that dealers shouldn’t post there, and I am not saying that I do not support our local gun shops, but I was just wondering if anyone else would prefer the dealers to use their own forum? There is already a dealers only WTS forum, and I often times see duplicate posts in both the dealers forum and the handguns forum.
Anyway, was just wondering if I was alone or not in this opinion. Also, if any dealers would like help setting up their own website to advertise their sales, I would be happy to assist with that for free.
I have found that my own posts get buried so quickly by these types of postings, and that I have to scroll through pages of posts just to get to actual posts by members here looking to make private sales.
I am not saying that dealers shouldn’t post there, and I am not saying that I do not support our local gun shops, but I was just wondering if anyone else would prefer the dealers to use their own forum? There is already a dealers only WTS forum, and I often times see duplicate posts in both the dealers forum and the handguns forum.
Anyway, was just wondering if I was alone or not in this opinion. Also, if any dealers would like help setting up their own website to advertise their sales, I would be happy to assist with that for free.