
type in Glock serial numbers in Google and you will find tons of information. There are several very informative sites about Glocks that include serial information.
serial # lookup

go to glockmiester and on the left hand side there is a section for the serial # look-up..punch in the first letters and it will tell you the date of manufacture..hope this helps
The G27 is on the EOPS approved list.

You can buy a NIB G27 and legally own it. The AG regs only prevent dealers from selling them, however, there are dealers that ignore the AG's regs because they would not stand up in court.
If it is compliant with MA laws, talk with Carl (directly) at Four Seasons about accepting it and doing the transfer.
If it is compliant with MA laws, talk with Carl (directly) at Four Seasons about accepting it and doing the transfer.

+1 Carl has no problem with doing this. He transfers preban AWs and
pre-98 glocks in all the time. He's not going to do anything bogus to
you like charge you "tax" on the value of the gun or any of that BS,
either, or whine at you because you didn't buy it there. Every time I go
in there I always see someone getting an incoming transfer.

Already stopped at FS this morning and bought some ammo, admired a few K31's, and asked about the transfer. It's gonna have to wait until after I catch up on the Christmas spending though. Maybe some time in January.
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