Dems looking for our firearms

They got Castle on there just so they can say "it's Bi-Partisan" although he is the only 'R' on the list.
If a law is not being enforced, why have the law?

Either enforce it, like all laws should be, with all the money that it takes to enforce it, or repeal it.

We can complain that laws about criminals using firearms in the commission of a crime are not being enforced, or we can demand that all laws are upheld and enforced.

Now, if the petition by Engle is a lie, that's a different story.
[puke2] Eliot Engel

My AR's and evil imports haven't killed anyone.............................yet.
If he fears that Mexican violence will spill over into the US (which is a rational view given the incursions by Mexican army escorting drug runners into Texas and Arizona), why isn't he advocating arming more Americans with "assault rifles" to effect Homeland Security?
If a law is not being enforced, why have the law?

Either enforce it, like all laws should be, with all the money that it takes to enforce it, or repeal it.

We can complain that laws about criminals using firearms in the commission of a crime are not being enforced, or we can demand that all laws are upheld and enforced.

Now, if the petition by Engle is a lie, that's a different story.

Can you say "Borders"? [wink]
I'm very happy to not see any D-NH listed...

5,661 people died in Mexico in 2008 alone as a result of drug-related violence. This is more than double the 2007 total of 2,773. Over 90% of firearms confiscated yearly in Mexico orginate in the United States. As Chairman of the House Western Hemisphere Subcommittee, Rep. Engel is a strong supporter of the Merida Initiative – a US-Mexico security partnership announced in late 2007. However, he also believes that the US must fulfill certain domestic obligations under the Merida Initiative, including an enhanced commitment to curb the illegal trafficking of firearms from the US into Mexico.

Why do they use stats from Mexico? This isn't Mexico. If they want to deal with Mexico problems, why don't they move there? I don't care what is found in Mexico. That is THEIR problem, not ours.
I'm very happy to not see any D-NH listed...

Why do they use stats from Mexico? This isn't Mexico. If they want to deal with Mexico problems, why don't they move there? I don't care what is found in Mexico. That is THEIR problem, not ours.

In the very near future, it WILL become yours. Step back, look, listen, and observe. Not trying to be a "buster", trying to say it like it is. [wink]
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