Derek will like this illegal alien news article...


Shooting at the big range in heaven
NES Member
Jul 30, 2005
Metrowest, MA & Points South and West
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Deported illegal who shot officers killed
California patrolmen fired on as they sat in their cruiser

Posted: December 29, 2006
1:30 p.m. Eastern

© 2006

An illegal immigrant who had been deported from the United States several times but returned each time and now was being sought for wounding two police officers in Long Beach, Calif., has died in a shooting with officers who tracked him to a taco stand in Santa Ana, authorities have confirmed.

Santa Ana Police Chief Paul Walters said Oscar Gabriel Gallegos, wanted for the shooting of Long Beach officers Abram Yap and Roy Wade Jr. as they sat in their squad car Dec. 22, died while trying to shoot three of his officers with a .40-caliber Glock equipped with a laser sight. Walters told the Orange County Register that Gallegos carried two fully loaded magazines in his pocket during the confrontation.

"He was either going to kill the officers or be killed," Walters said. "Fortunately, the right person got killed."

The Long Beach officers, who had stopped Gallegos for running a red light, are recovering from their injuries in the hospital, officials said.

At a news conference, Steve Cooley, the Los Angeles County district attorney, said Gallegos was an illegal immigrant who had been deported to Mexico several times, most recently in 1996, according to federal immigration records.

Authorities in Long Beach said Gallegos also had faced weapons and drug charges over the years, and Police Chief Anthony Batts said Gallegos was "an evil man."

Reports said Yap was shot once in the face and Wade, a rookie with less than a month on the force, was hit in the neck and chest. Neither officer had had an opportunity to get out of their car and they never shot back.

After the shooting and Gallegos was identified as the sole suspect, federal authorities tracked him to Santa Ana, and undercover detectives from Long Beach reportedly found him at a strip mall. Authorities said Gallegos apparently saw a police car arrive and he began shooting before the officers could get out of the car.

The arriving officers, members of a SWAT unit, returned fire and killed Gallegos, authorities said.

After the first shooting, police said the officers had just stopped Gallegos when he got out of his vehicle and shot the two, firing through the windshield of their cruiser.

WND also has been reporting on a growing list of illegal immigrants who have not only ignored U.S. immigration laws, but state laws against drinking and driving as well, killing innocents on the highways in the process.


This unfortunate young undocumented worker was just doing the crimes Americans won't do.

The compassionate thing would be to give him a license and college tuition!

Be careful on Rt. 20 and Rt 95 . I doubt they will be using the Mass Pike when they all start driving to Devil Paradise , so they can finally drive legally.
I know of a construction company in MA. that employs MANY illegals. Many of them drive company vehicles and operate heavy equipment on a regular basis which is against the law in every state. Most of them don't speak but a few words of English and still have Brazilian drivers licenses. Although people who live in MA. are required after 30 days to get a MA. drivers license some of these guys have been here for three years. Because this state looks the other way already not much will change when a certain lowlife takes office. I know for a fact this company has MANY filled out job applications from MA. residents who not only are legal but are quite capable in the English language. The thought that Patrick will make it easier for illegals to work in this state while legal residents are trying to get these same jobs PMTFO !![devil2] [puke]
I know of a construction company in MA. that employs MANY illegals. Many of them drive company vehicles and operate heavy equipment on a regular basis which is against the law in every state. Most of them don't speak but a few words of English and still have Brazilian drivers licenses. Although people who live in MA. are required after 30 days to get a MA. drivers license some of these guys have been here for three years. Because this state looks the other way already not much will change when a certain lowlife takes office. I know for a fact this company has MANY filled out job applications from MA. residents who not only are legal but are quite capable in the English language. The thought that Patrick will make it easier for illegals to work in this state while legal residents are trying to get these same jobs PMTFO !![devil2] [puke]

Perhaps give ICE an anonymous tip?
This is what they want when they come here from across the border.
When they get one of these (the actual article that is) then they can do a lot more and they think their legitimate.

But we all know their common criminals, Just don't forget it and keep spreading the word to everyone.

Although I'd like to think that ICE cares (especially after 9/11), I seriously doubt it!

Based on personal experience many years ago when I handed them an entire operation and they did nothing with it. I'll bet if I were to visit a certain college one evening, I'd find these same workers (or firm) still working there as janitorial sub-contractors.
There is a way to make INS or ICE or what ever they are calling them selves these day to do their job.

Using the APA (Administrative procedure act) Ive used this path to disqualify judges in the past but never on a Agency.

Anyone have some extra cash to hire a few law firms to "Get er Done"?
About 40,000 to 60,000 would do the job.

Think it would do any good?? Some of the guys who work there said unless the illegals commit a crime besides living and working here nobody will do anything. I don't know enough about the laws to know if there's any truth to that.
Although I'd like to think that ICE cares (especially after 9/11), I seriously doubt it!

Based on personal experience many years ago when I handed them an entire operation and they did nothing with it. I'll bet if I were to visit a certain college one evening, I'd find these same workers (or firm) still working there as janitorial sub-contractors.

Would that college be located in Newton?
Although I'd like to think that ICE cares (especially after 9/11), I seriously doubt it!

Based on personal experience many years ago when I handed them an entire operation and they did nothing with it. I'll bet if I were to visit a certain college one evening, I'd find these same workers (or firm) still working there as janitorial sub-contractors.

you would pretty much find nothing but illegals working at any after hours cleaning crew these days in eastern MA....
I know of a construction company in MA. that employs MANY illegals. Many of them drive company vehicles and operate heavy equipment on a regular basis which is against the law in every state. Most of them don't speak but a few words of English and still have Brazilian drivers licenses. Although people who live in MA. are required after 30 days to get a MA. drivers license some of these guys have been here for three years. Because this state looks the other way already not much will change when a certain lowlife takes office. I know for a fact this company has MANY filled out job applications from MA. residents who not only are legal but are quite capable in the English language. The thought that Patrick will make it easier for illegals to work in this state while legal residents are trying to get these same jobs PMTFO !![devil2] [puke]

Modern continental?
Would that college be located in Newton?

No, Downtown Boston. But I won't answer any more hints on it. This was ~15 years ago, but I'll bet it's still going on. The illegals were "indentured slaves" from what I could tell, so they weren't going anywhere unless the whole group got busted and shipped back to Columbia (where they were from). I've posted the story before, not sure if it was on NES or elsewhere however.
This is worth repeating.

My thoughts on illegal aliens will surely earn me a ban from this forum,so I'll just observe the responses.

yes,edited for spelling

I'm with you on this one, while our government turns a blind eye, our country and many communities in particular are turning into third world sh!tholes.
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