Desert Eagle 50


NES Member
Oct 21, 2008
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Hi all,

So I'm interested in adding a Desert Eagle to the collection. I understand that some were made here in the US and some made in Israel. Does anyone know which is better?

I'm also interested in getting barrels for .357, .44 and .50 cal. Preferably I'd start with the .50 cal and add the other barrels. But my question is can all DE's interchange barrels/mags like this, or is this something that only certain models of DE can do?

Finally... why do I want one? Probably the same reason someone buys a S&W 500... just because I think they are cool. And I worry that our POTUS may try and make it more difficult to acquire such toys.


Considering they aren't MA compliant, you are going to be hard pressed to find one. I think the only place around that has one right now is Autoburst in Easton for $1360.
FDF does have a 44. They pop up from time to time that are MA OK. I know I'll likely have to dig around to get the right one.

I know there are several versions of the DE and would like to purchase the proper one. I believe country of origin is important. I'd also like the ability to switch between .357, .44 and .50.


FDF does have a 44. They pop up from time to time that are MA OK. I know I'll likely have to dig around to get the right one.

I know there are several versions of the DE and would like to purchase the proper one. I believe country of origin is important. I'd also like the ability to switch between .357, .44 and .50.



Country of origin isn't as important as series or model number when interchangability of calibers is a primary concern. I think you need a Mark VII or Mark XIX to be able to swap calibers.

Edited to add: It looks like the only new conversion barrels you can buy from Magnum Research are for the Mark XIX guns.
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My friend mc2257 (sp) has one in .44 mag.

Unfortunately, he won't be back to MA for another couple weeks.

I shot it, the thing is a joy. it warms my heart thinking about it. [rofl]
Finally... why do I want one?

Simple answer. Yes.

You want one because you want one. The only reason you should be considering not buying one is cost. They are a foolishly expensive gun with no practical purpose. It is a work of mechanical art.

I have a Mark VII Desert Eagle in .44mag I bought off Fooped. I like the .44mag. Rounds aren't prohibitively expensive, recoil is nice but peppy, and the ball of flames is beautiful especially in the dark.

Don't think. Just buy. [wink]
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