Differences between a Remington 770 Sportsman and a Remington 700?

Feb 10, 2008
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What are the major things that make the 770 so much cheaper aside from the cheesy polymer stock? Will replacement stocks for the 700 fit this gun? I'm consider buying my first scoped bolt gun and the 770 would leave a lot more money around for ammo. I just don't want to buy a turd if there are going to be very noticeable differences. This rifle isn't going to be used for competition but maybe will replace one of my shotguns as a hunting gun later on.

This weekend I saw a 770 in .308 with a Bushnell scope for $378. The cheapest model 700 in .308 I could find was 499 with no scope. (I don't necessarily need a .308 just using it for price comparisons.)
Reviving this thread and looking for opinions on this rifle.

My son needs a rifle for hunting this year.

He handled one in .308 at a local shop today and likes it.
The 770 is machined to greater tolerances and has a press fit barrel. In the same price class, you should get a Stevens or Axis. Don't expect much better than 2 MOA with factory ammo. Save up some more and buy either a REM700 or a Savage10. Seriously.
For guns like this there is not much worthy in the budget price that is worthy.
The "free " scopes tend to be pos.
if your on a budget look for better quality used guns. There are always boltguns I. The used gun racks...well at least in my area.
Look long and hard because you wont recoup much on the budget guns if you decide to sell it.

Just a side note. If your looking to possible squeeze more accuracy out of a budget rifle maybe a different Cal.
7mm06 or 270 might deliver better accuracy.?
I'm actually in the process of dumping all my "budget" gunk. Sorry no boltguns.
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Shoot! You can't hardly give away a good hunting rifle on this site. Go to the classifieds here and score a nice rifle here.
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