Do I have this right?

Dec 5, 2006
Raleigh NC
Feedback: 21 / 0 / 0
Here's what I'm trying to build: Suppressed SBR AR-15 in 9mm with a Law Tactical folding stock.

Do I have the following sequence correct?

1. Set up my trust
2. Buy 9mm lower (I'm going with a dedicated lower)
3. Send it off to be engraved with the trust name
4. Send two copies of Form 1, one copy of trust paperwork and $200 to the ATF
5. Go to FFL to buy suppressor. Pay for suppressor, fill out Form 4, send it to ATF with trust paperwork and $200
6. Wait f'n forever for forms to be approved
7. Get approved Form 1, start AR build
8. Get approved Form 4, pick up suppressor.

Am I missing anything?

Some people choose to have the engraving done, install your LPK, and only then submit the Form 1. The thinking is that if anything goes horribly wrong with the engraving or the parts installation, you don't have to restart the wait on the Form 1.

BATFE currently allows trusts to [thread=222017]E-File[/thread] form 1. The downside to E-File is that traditionally, if you made an error with paper forms, the ATF mails you a correction, you follow their instructions, and mail it back without losing your place in line, whereas if you make an error on an E-Form, you have to resubmit and the clock is reset back to zero.

As a New Hampshire resident, you don't have to wait to put the gun together, you just need to wait to buy the shoulder thing that goes up. Meanwhile you can assemble as a pistol before you even start the ATF paperwork.
Here's what I'm trying to build: Suppressed SBR AR-15 in 9mm with a Law Tactical folding stock.

Do I have the following sequence correct?

1. Set up my trust
2. Buy 9mm lower (I'm going with a dedicated lower)
3. Send it off to be engraved with the trust name
4. Send two copies of Form 1, one copy of trust paperwork and $200 to the ATF
5. Go to FFL to buy suppressor. Pay for suppressor, fill out Form 4, send it to ATF with trust paperwork and $200
6. Wait f'n forever for forms to be approved
7. Get approved Form 1, start AR build
8. Get approved Form 4, pick up suppressor.

Am I missing anything?

Morning after pill when ATF cashes the checks.
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Morning after pill when ATF cashes the checks.


otherwise yeah, this is GTG. have your FFL e-file your shit for the form 1. all you need to provide is the notarized trust. you need to own the lower you're gonna SBR and add it to the trust assignment page.

for the form 4s... you can send it on paper and wait a year possibly, or wait for eforms to come back. me personally, i am waiting. personal preference on this one.

i also would hold off on the engraving until you get the stamp. you know, just in case. personal preference on this one as well.

otherwise yeah, this is GTG. have your FFL e-file your shit for the form 1. all you need to provide is the notarized trust. you need to own the lower you're gonna SBR and add it to the trust assignment page.

for the form 4s... you can send it on paper and wait a year possibly, or wait for eforms to come back. me personally, i am waiting. personal preference on this one.

i also would hold off on the engraving until you get the stamp. you know, just in case. personal preference on this one as well.

Thanks Dingdong.

Once this stupid thing is built you and me will go to the range and have a party. I know you like to party.
Thanks Dingdong.

Once this stupid thing is built you and me will go to the range and have a party. I know you like to party.

i love to party, and a suppressed 9mm with a folding stock triggers me in my happy zone.

PM me on facespace if you have any questions you want answered in a hurry about all this shit, i'll see it much quicker than NES.
i also would hold off on the engraving until you get the stamp. you know, just in case. personal preference on this one as well.
If I was doing an individual transfer (not a trust), I absolutely would hold off on engraving my name and location on the receiver until the stamp comes back!
...if you made an error with paper forms, the ATF mails you a correction, you follow their instructions, and mail it back without losing your place in line, whereas if you make an error on an E-Form, you have to resubmit and the clock is reset back to zero.

I just mailed my paperwork today. I made a post in the "e-form" wait time thread - not realizing that "e-form" is "e"lectronically filed. I guess I'm stuck in the past. the "e-filing" time frame is speedy quick. Anyone know what the wait on snailmail filing a form 1 is??? I wish this realization had dawned on me sooner.
I just mailed my paperwork today. I made a post in the "e-form" wait time thread - not realizing that "e-form" is "e"lectronically filed. I guess I'm stuck in the past. the "e-filing" time frame is speedy quick. Anyone know what the wait on snailmail filing a form 1 is??? I wish this realization had dawned on me sooner.
I've checked out NFA tracker and the paper form 1's have come down as low as 30 days. I called just for kicks to see how much longer my wait would be (submitted September 25th) - and they tell me some time in April. UGH! Should I just be patient and wait, or is there some way to e-file this late in the game? April is 160 days away! [shocked]
Here's what I'm trying to build: Suppressed SBR AR-15 in 9mm with a Law Tactical folding stock.

Do I have the following sequence correct?

1. Set up my trust
2. Buy 9mm lower (I'm going with a dedicated lower)
3. Send it off to be engraved with the trust name
4. Send two copies of Form 1, one copy of trust paperwork and $200 to the ATF
5. Go to FFL to buy suppressor. Pay for suppressor, fill out Form 4, send it to ATF with trust paperwork and $200
6. Wait f'n forever for forms to be approved
7. Get approved Form 1, start AR build
8. Get approved Form 4, pick up suppressor.

Am I missing anything?

This gives lie to the old adage that forgiveness is easier to obtain than permission.
This gives lie to the old adage that forgiveness is easier to obtain than permission.

I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Carry on.

Update: Trust is done, just need to get it notarized and signed. CMMG 9mm lower has been ordered and it should be at Acme sometime in the next couple days. That means I get to pick it up and see Adam's glorious beard. It's a win-win really.
I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Carry on.

Update: Trust is done, just need to get it notarized and signed. CMMG 9mm lower has been ordered and it should be at Acme sometime in the next couple days. That means I get to pick it up and see Adam's glorious beard. It's a win-win really.

and you're coming to shoot with me once it's built, riiiight?
I have no idea what the hell you're talking about. Carry on.

Update: Trust is done, just need to get it notarized and signed. CMMG 9mm lower has been ordered and it should be at Acme sometime in the next couple days. That means I get to pick it up and see Adam's glorious beard. It's a win-win really.

Every time I see him I shave in shame that I can grow a beard ...
So my lower is in, Adam calls and I head down there.

Lower looks great, also see a used Rem 742 I want to buy, fill out the 4473 and .... DELAYED.

What the hell? I have zero criminal record, hold a NH P&R license, was honorably discharged from the Navy, not under investigation and I don't use drugs.

I've never been delayed before on a firearms purchase other than waiting an hour or so once when they were extremely busy.

This sucks.
FBI/NICS is fishing for your SSN and fingerprints (for VAF UPIN)

So my lower is in, Adam calls and I head down there. Lower looks great, also see a used Rem 742 I want to buy, fill out the 4473 and .... DELAYED. What the hell? I have zero criminal record, hold a NH P&R license, was honorably discharged from the Navy, not under investigation and I don't use drugs. I've never been delayed before on a firearms purchase other than waiting an hour or so once when they were extremely busy. This sucks.
If it only happens once, call yourself lucky and chalk it up to a computer hiccup.
So my lower is in, Adam calls and I head down there.

Lower looks great, also see a used Rem 742 I want to buy, fill out the 4473 and .... DELAYED.

What the hell? I have zero criminal record, hold a NH P&R license, was honorably discharged from the Navy, not under investigation and I don't use drugs.

I've never been delayed before on a firearms purchase other than waiting an hour or so once when they were extremely busy.

This sucks.

happened to me before. 3 day hold.
If it only happens once, call yourself lucky and chalk it up to a computer hiccup.

Yeah, you're probably right.

But the NICS system is sofa king ghey. Seriously.

Why can't they be consistent? My worry is that now that I've been delayed once, I'll be delayed again in the future. And then I'll have to go to the gun store twice every time.
Yeah, you're probably right. But the NICS system is sofa king ghey. Seriously. Why can't they be consistent? My worry is that now that I've been delayed once, I'll be delayed again in the future. And then I'll have to go to the gun store twice every time.
Just stick to buying pistols, that way you only have to deal with New Hampshire rather than the feds.
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