Do I want trade in my 220 for.....

I love my 220 and wouldn't sell it for anything. I would definitely go with the 226. They take 20 round mags :) (which everyone should have)
229 in 9mm?
I have four other 45's but only one other 9mm

Hmmm. I have one .45 (P220) and four 9mm. Two Walthers and two Berettas.

I would keep the P220 and save for a while.

If I had to sell a gun, I would start with the 9's. Once I got down to one 9 and the P220 I am not sure what I would do! [shocked]
How many other Sigs do you have? What is your investment in the platform?

what is the 229 for? CCW? Seems like you already have that covered. If the 9 is going to be a range gun there are better options. Don't get me wrong, I love sigs and have two 228s. I just sold my 220 (which I really liked but needed to free up funds for other projects). Good thing about the Sigs is that they are easy to get in MA so you can always get another 220 (unless the one you have is a hard to find model, like all nickel or is a 38 super).
No. Just buy the 229. You'll feel better as you fill out the set.

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