Does anyone have any experience with SAO Sigs?


NES Member
Aug 15, 2007
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How does the trigger compare to either a 1911 or a DA/SA Sig in SA mode? Also, how does the safety work? Can the safety be used with the hammer uncocked? Can the slide be racked with the safety engaged?

Safety? On a Sig? What is this safety you speak of? Didn't think any Sigs had a safety.


If the others are anything like my X-Five is, the trigger is best described as "f**king awesome". Reset is short, pull is light... pull is probably less than 4 pounds, easily, probably lower than that even. The reset is easily a fifth of the distance it would be on a regular DA/SA sig in SA mode... its very short.

If you are going to carry one it basically works like a 1911, there is no decocker. The safety has a positive detent to it of sorts, that's inside the gun. At least on the X-Five, the slide also locks when the safety is on, similar to a 1911.

Dunno if the P220 SAO etc, are like this, but on the X-Five you have to watch the grip panels. If you haphazardly remove the grip panels, you will be greeted to flying springs. This really isn't a big deal, you just have to be careful/gentle after you unscrew the panels.

The answers to your questions are -Yes & Yes. The slide will lock back with the safety on and the hammer can be forward with the safety on. I worked on the range at SIG for 2 years and shot may of these. Nice pistol. However I personally prefer DA/SA. But thats a matter of preferance.
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