does buffalo bore sell...

Jul 2, 2011
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their big, honkin' heavy lead bullets for reloading? i don't think so, i perused their website but...always a reading glasses are misplaced and didn't see any listed. in my defense, i'm not reading well until i find them again, sooo, color me blind as a bat close in. if they do sell components separately, know of any place local to north of boston to get 'em? help a blind old reloader out, pleeeze. (trying to type this is a bitch, literally nose to grindstone)
All of Buffalo's projectiles are made by Rim Rock Bullets.

The big WNLGC's are silly priced at $0.77 however relative to what others charge for similar like 'Matt's Bullets' whereas Matt's vanilla LSWCs are significantly MORE expensive than RimRock.
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their big, honkin' heavy lead bullets for reloading? i don't think so, i perused their website but...always a reading glasses are misplaced and didn't see any listed. in my defense, i'm not reading well until i find them again, sooo, color me blind as a bat close in. if they do sell components separately, know of any place local to north of boston to get 'em? help a blind old reloader out, pleeeze. (trying to type this is a bitch, literally nose to grindstone)
What caliber and bullet weight you looking for?
Are you looking for 45-70 ?

I cast some heavy .45/70 hollows with gas check. I would have to weigh them. I have a shitload of alloy. And you need to tell us what you are looking for.
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