No idea on the inner workings, only what I have seen in emails as I work nights and cannot attend the meetings. I tried to find the article on the Framingham site but didn't see it. I am in no way defending any actions, I am genuinely curious. I am only a member because it is the only club in the immediate vicinity so I figured I would join.
Like anything gov it's not easy. go here
Its on page 13, article 20. Keep in mind that the petition signed by registered voters in order to bring it to Town Meeting was;
"ARTICLE: To Provide Emergency Funding to Keep Danforth Museum Open To see if the Town will vote to appropriate funds needed to secure a temporary boiler to keep the Danforth
Building habitable until September 2017.
Pass any vote, or take any action relative thereto."
The Motion shown was changed after the article was approved, and has change at least once since then that I've seen and one more time I've been told. All this without the endorsement of those that signed the petition. The original sponsor made the changes but simple put she doesn't have the right to do so.
Can you imagine signing a petition and having it changed to something unrelated but your name is still put forward as endorsing it?
I'm not against helping FARA but the way the sponsor is doing this is just plain wrong.
So again I ask;
Did FARA approach the Town, through the town manager or whoever they normally work with, directly and were they turned away?
My Opinion. The sponsor of article 20 is doing more damage than good for FARA. If FARA wants to ask for assistance they need to approach, first, the town manager. Sit down and talk with him. Do not involve the sponsor of article 20 as she has several suits filed against the town and no one is going to sit down and talk with her without a lawyer present. If that doesn't work FARA should go to the Selectmen.
BTW the whole temporary boiler thing was going to cost over $1.5M (I forget the exact amount), so that was never going to happen.