Doss anyone have any experience with Anneal Rite?

Why not a hand drill, torch and the templac?
That could work. I also read people putting the brass in water with the top sticking out.

I want something simple that works. A drill sounds like a pain. But maybe it isn't.
I sent an Email to anneal rite, the owner replied and immediately called me to talk about it. Great guy, sounds like they have good customer care.
I am not a skinflint, but $1,500 for less than 200 pieces of brass ... no thanks.

Looks like a nice machine.

Shoot, their prices have gone bonkers.

If you only need an occasional one-off at 200 pieces, send them my way and I'll anneal them for you. Or, I can bring the machine over to HSC and you can run them through it.
Shoot, their prices have gone bonkers.

If you only need an occasional one-off at 200 pieces, send them my way and I'll anneal them for you. Or, I can bring the machine over to HSC and you can run them through it.
I appreciate it. I will try a torch and let you know. Thank you for the offer.
This company:

When I first saw it, I thought it looked like a pain to use, but then I watched a few videos and it seems to be fairly efficient and move fast.

I dont need to do thousands of cases, only 150 or so.

I have one of them - as a low volume 6.5CM shooter the thing is perfect. Once you get the hang of it you can anneal 100-200 cases in no time. I find that loading up a reloading block with 50 cases and tipping it just shy of 90 degrees vertical is a good way to apply the temperature paint.
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