eastern MA club with shotgun target shooting. not just skeet/trap

Oct 10, 2012
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Hello everyone
I recently got my CCW and was planning on joining Ames but since signing up here, I've read its kind of in a bit of turmoil.
So my question is, se there any other clubs that allow you to shoot a HD shotgun on their outdoor range?
What do you mean, specifically?

A box a week at stationary targets? Slugs, buck, or...? Run-and-gun, or just getting used to it?

The problem with a shottie, is it tends to dig up the target frames, so if you're planning on a lot of this, a "sand pit" type range is likely your best bet.
What do you mean, specifically?

A box a week at stationary targets? Slugs, buck, or...? Run-and-gun, or just getting used to it?

The problem with a shottie, is it tends to dig up the target frames, so if you're planning on a lot of this, a "sand pit" type range is likely your best bet.

D: all of the above
Taunton R&P lets you shoot them on the regular outdoor ranges. I'd suggest bringing your own target/pallet cause it kinda sucks when someone blows apart a decent stand that was set up w/ a shotgun. That's why they stopped providing them a while back but they look like they are back again. I bring my own target anyways.
would a simple wood target stand suffice? One could be built for under $20.
I have no problem with that.
What I am not understanding is how most clubs do not allow shotguns for that reason alone. I mean with $100-$250 initiation fees and yearly dues around the same rates, a few hundred bucks in 2x2s would go a long wayy OR even better yet like you said allow/require shooters to bring their own stand if they want to shoot a shotgun.

It's not like one can just go out to the HT lines or local sand pits in the lovely state to shoot. It just kind of amazes me how few places seem to allow shotgun use. I am sure I'm not the only one who wants to shoot their HD shotgun at some paper or steel...

sorry for rambling...just my $.2
Nashoba Sportsman's in Acton, MA.
Great basic shooting club. They are doing more as a club as well, have a good breakfast on weekends (Sunday, i think, but not 100% sure).
Rules are straightforward and common-sense, IMO.

PM me if this is an option and glad to talk more. I'm not really active there, joined a few years back basically to sight-in my slug gun and muzzleloader. But fun to go plinking every now and then there.

See range rules below (also attached to new member app)
No problem at Hopkinton (www.hsasports.com). No specific rules other than not on the "pistol only" ranges. They have a patterning board for testing shot dispersal, and you can use a defensive shotgun on your own targets (the club does not provide target stands except for club events)
What I am not understanding is how most clubs do not allow shotguns for that reason alone.

It just kind of amazes me how few places seem to allow shotgun use. I am sure I'm not the only one who wants to shoot their HD shotgun at some paper or steel...

sorry for rambling...just my $.2

Now you know why I joined Taunton Rifle (etc.) Club. The funny thing was it was the first place I was invited too, so I was spoiled. Then I did a little research and realized that not straying to far from home for me was actually the best idea.
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