Emergency essentials sale

sweet just ordered some canned goods. These will be great for backpacking overnight, I can make my own meals, they're normally 7-10.00 for the two serving bags.
How do the canned Mtn House products work? Is it literally just a can of their stuff or are there packets inside?

Standard Mountain House cans are #10 size and contain the bulk product listed on the label. Not divided into pouches or servings. Label says how to measure and prepare the contents.
Thanks. I'm just one person so maybe the big cans aren't for me.
Maybe, maybe not. Many of the meal-type cans (as opposed to single ingredient-type) make about 10 servings. If you're a big eater, you'll get fewer servings per can. A plastic lid comes with the can so you can reseal it. They recommend finishing off the can within a week. In an emergency, are you going to mind having the same food once a day for a week?
Thanks. I'm just one person so maybe the big cans aren't for me.

When backpacking, I will eat one Mountain House package (2 servings) in a sitting. My wife eats one serving (1/2 package) per meal. Those Mountain House cans contain 10 servings, so I calculate each can is 5 meals for me alone, or 3 meals if we're sharing.

A week of emergency food for my family (me, wife and toddler) is 6 cans (60 servings), supplemented, of course, with standard foods and drinks from our pantry.
Thanks for the feedback guys. I have no problem eating the same thing for a few meals in a row. I was thinking about leftovers after a camping trip or something, but that's probably not a big deal.
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