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GOAL has been yelling it from the rooftops for a year and a half now.

There's a fundamental problem with mainstream media:  they control their platform, and they don't have to give it to GOAL or anyone else if they don't want to.  It used to be less of a problem back when the media believed that even voices they disagree with should be heard, but that ideal of journalistic integrity has been dead for a while now and the media has become an echo chamber.  Sure, they'll pick and choose what the opposition says to add flavor to their stories and the appearance of neutrality, but appearance is all it is.

Social media carries the echo chamber to the absurd extreme.  GOAL can say what they want, all day long, on their own "platform" but it's only going to reach people who already follow them; in other words they can only preach to the choir.  Everyone else is in their own echo chambers, believing that the bill is about ghost guns and live fire and nothing else.  They don't follow groups they don't like, and so only hear from people who will reinforce what they want to hear.

Spreading the word to new people and the opposite side is always the big challenge.

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