enfield no1 mk3

Oct 1, 2012
Westborough, Ma
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Hello all,

I've recently inherited a enfield mk3 that unfortunately was the victim of a sporterize. The stock front and back has been all cut up, yet thankfully, they left the full barrel length intact.

I've been looking around to find intact stocks to replace and believe I have found several online. However if anyone has any reputable dealers/ideas on this front let me know.

I would at some point like to be able to stick a scope on it, however I have a bit of a "purist" streak in me when it comes to old rifles, and would like to keep the barrel completely intact.

I've seen several companies online that sell non damaging scope mounts bscopes and ati, however I have no experience with either. Does anyone have any thoughts or opinions on this matter?

I bought some parts from Hoosier Gun Works many moons ago; they seem to have LE furniture very reasonably priced, though I'm not sure they match the pieces for color and grain.

I'm NOT a fan of any kind of scopes on military rifles, though that's a personal thing. My own feeling is that the stock Mk III sights are easier to use and about as accurate as I can get, compared to a scope. Back in The Day I knew a guy who used one of those click-on scope mounts, and complained that it didn't seem to hold zero. Though, again, I'm far from an expert on scopes. Others will know more.

How bad was the sporter butchery? Can you post a pic?
It's at the smith right now getting mechanical integrity checked out, but I'll try to post one when I get it back.

The chopping could have been much worse I'm sure but the rough saw edges and lack of varnish/painting just looks awful to me.

I agree the iron sights are nice, but I was thinking an old scout scope might like kinda nice.

Although that might get in the way of top loading which is half the charm of the rifle.

So many decisions.
I checked out numrich. That site is nuts. I will definitely keep that bookmarked.

Those mounts are kinda pricey, yet it might be worth it if the rest can't hold zero at all.

Thanks for the help
I just got this back from the smith, and I realized I never provided you all with photos.


The picture makes it look at bit nicer than it actually is. The front cut is just awful and is missing several screws throughout. The wood is all torn up in places and overall the firearm is incredibly dirty. Judging by some of the hack jobs I've seen on the Internet though, it's in fairly decent shape.

That being said, the smith said the barrel integrity is solid, and action seems good to shoot. I'll be taking it out to shoot this weekend.
You'll have a great time shooting that thing. If you've never shot a cock-on-closing action, you'll love the speed and ease of working the bolt. Should be dead-on accurate, too.

And yes, get a new forend. That hack job is a disgrace, but it's not your fault. If the buttstock is still sound, I'd leave it and not worry about the wood matching. It's a milsurp; mismatched wood gives character.
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