Evil Black Tacticool AR15......lever action?

Mar 7, 2008
Western Ma
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Mods, strike this if it's a dupe. It looks like an old shot.

I just rolled across this picture in an article about CA-friendly firearms, and among the more ridiculous items pictured were top-loading AR's, and yes, this Lever Action AR.


Now I'll be the first to tell you that MA firearms laws are, by and large, shite, But the day this abomination appears to be a viable work-around to your home state's regulations, it's officially later than you think.
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Something wrong with this picture methinks. That is a 30-rd M1 Carbine mag sticking out of the magwell.
A lever action AR chambered for .30 Carbine? [sad2] That's just SAD! Why not just buy a Marlin 336 or 1894?

That brings a whole new meaning to the word "neutered" AR... and I thought MA was bad... [hmmm] [thinking]
That brings a whole new meaning to the word "neutered" AR... and I thought MA was bad... [hmmm] [thinking]

Oh, Kali is one hell of a place to own a gun. I know someone who moved from NC to SV to work for Intel. He thought it was going to be great getting out of Lenovo but when he found out what he couldn't bring, it was a complete shock. Unlinke MA, they have registration (so you can't bring stuff you already had like you can here, save the AWB) and possession of any number of things is forbidden. Threaded barrels on anything, hi-caps, any semi-auto rifle that can accept hi-caps (hence this AR crap). We are sitting pretty compared to that state.
Stupid, ridiculous, wrong, an abomination... yes, but you have to admire the ingenuity and creativity that went into that.
For awhile commiefornia even had PUMP ACTION AK rifles. [rofl]

That state is a perfect example of "how bad it can get".

I have a friend who has one of those pump action AKs, he hates it. And as far as california goes, they suck on gun laws.
For awhile commiefornia even had PUMP ACTION AK rifles. [rofl]

That state is a perfect example of "how bad it can get".


I sincerely hope this is the last example of how bad it can get. I fear we may see worse under O-BAN-ba. Let's hope for a resurgence of common sense on the 4th.[hmmm]
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