Executive Decision Colt Pics!

Greg Derr

Gun Smith
NES Member
Aug 15, 2005
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This is a what a CEO carries. It started as a Colt Officer which had some odd modifications in its past. It had a very geometric angled front bushing and rather ill fitted BTGS. Now is has new sights, XS small tritium up front and a 10-8 "U" notch in the rear. The slide was carry beveled and the port lowered to .400. The bushing was smoothed out and recontoured for better holstering. A new Clark spring plug was custom fir to the slide. The frame got 25 lpi checkering to match a Smith and Alexander one piece magwell and MSH. The beavertail is a S&A without a swell.The magwell was beveled inside and out. For the ignition, a Warner True Radius sear was fit and the hammer is Harrison Design. A new oversized EGW ejector was fit next to a Brown extractor. The finish is Cerakote Armorers Black. The wood is black walnut burl by John Hoskins from Texas. I eats everything including CorBon +P JHP loads.



Part of what makes looking at your posts so much fun, is the awesome photography! Nice work on the gun and nice work on the pics!
I am a CEO, I have that same Rolex (except mine is a fake I bought in China), but I don't have one of those to carry! Class job Greg, someday I am going to have you build me something for sure...
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