Extremely hot gun after only few rounds


NES Member
Feb 9, 2008
Feedback: 64 / 0 / 1
Went shooting today, after about 30 rounds of controled slow fire shooting, my Glock 22 was extremely hot to touch.... I am feeding winchester white box 165gr, when holstering the gun, the frame was extremely hot as well... The only reason why I'm even asking for any input on the matter is because, my Glock 17 doesnt share the same problem..... Anybody have any insight to what hell is going on here? I have been shooting for some time now and have only had this happen when shooting 45 rounds rapid fire sessions....
Without actually being there and the lack of temperature sensing devices, I'll take a SWAG at it.

The G17 and G22 are the same frames and slides with a few differences to accommodate the calibers.

The G22 actually has slight less barrel and slide mass which could translate into higher heat transfer.

Couple the above with a faster burning powder and you could get a hotter gun.

I would try a different brand or Lot number of ammo and see if it persists.
I shot 30 rds through my AR15 in under 30 seconds and it was still too hot to the touch 30 minutes later....
Big Daddy, thank you for the input, makes sense, and like I said, the slow fire shooting is whats got me puzzled...
i recall my G22 used to get hot as well. WWB, Blazer CCI, Remington ect... just the slide though.

i'd say it wasn't bad enough to burn, but not like i'd grab it by the slide or holster it right away either.
Whenever I shoot, I shoot from a holstered weapon, two - three shots, move, 360 degree visual and re-holster firearm shortly after...
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