Feather vs Thureon??

Apr 24, 2012
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I know that the topic of pistol cal. carbines is an old tired one but I'm just starting to think about it and wondered if anyone here knows anything about these two specifically. I'm considering them because I can use modified Uzi mags (cheaper than pre ban Glock). I know that AR's are nice and the Uzi is cool but I want something different if it's reliable. Any input would be GREATLY appreciated!
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Got the "SA" 9mm Thureon carbine a couple weeks ago. Only have had a chance to run 100 rounds through it but it's excellent. I found some 32 round Uzi mags on line for $9.50 so I bought 4. They need to be slightly modified for use with the Thureon, but they do the modification for $15 per mag. I think that's still cheaper than glock mags, but I could be wrong.

The gun is built like a tank and is super simple to strip and clean. The company is very responsive to inquiries as well. I sent them an email with a few questions and the owner himself replied to me in less than 24 hrs.
Thanks for the input! Your experience gives me confidence to move forward on one as well. thanks again!
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