like JuergenG said their are no nazi proof marks as the germans did not use this gun in .380 they had the hungarians make theirs in .32 and they have a thumb safety. As far as whats holding up the gun in the pic it is a de-soldering vacuum which is about the size of one of the metal permanent markers. I have been asked by a couple of people if I am interested in selling or trading this piece off, It is definitely a possibility I bought it because I really thought it was interesting but I am hardly a mil-surp collector and am really more focused on guns I will shoot more, larger calibers than .380. Also the gun has the holster you should see in the pics and an extra original magazine.
On another note did early imports not have importer marks? my mosin's have importer stamps as well as my old makarov I used to have and my buddies norinco also does but this femaru doesn't. I figured this section would have the most info on this.