I know there are at least a few others here who listen to The Survival Podcast.. and I'm pleasantly surprised how often the host goes in to finances. Recently in particular it is covered a lot.
I was the "Justin from Boston" talked about on Monday's show.
As the host of TSP often points out, a personal SHTF is much more likely (Job loss, injury, death of a family member, etc). By moving up the scale preparing for smaller, more local or personal SHTF scenarios, you eventually end up covering most of the bases for larger things. (Disaster Commonality)
My question here is, how many of you have considered your finances as a key part of preparedness? What have you thought of that could help fellow preppers out that perhaps we haven't thought of or heard elsewhere?
I recently posted a synopsis to my approach to food storage while saving money here on this forum for those curious on one of my strategies.
I was the "Justin from Boston" talked about on Monday's show.
As the host of TSP often points out, a personal SHTF is much more likely (Job loss, injury, death of a family member, etc). By moving up the scale preparing for smaller, more local or personal SHTF scenarios, you eventually end up covering most of the bases for larger things. (Disaster Commonality)
My question here is, how many of you have considered your finances as a key part of preparedness? What have you thought of that could help fellow preppers out that perhaps we haven't thought of or heard elsewhere?
I recently posted a synopsis to my approach to food storage while saving money here on this forum for those curious on one of my strategies.