Fitting a 1911 Mag Catch Lock

Jan 5, 2008
Feedback: 26 / 0 / 0
I'm putting in an extended mag release on my 1911 and also have a new mag catch lock.

The mag catch lock fits fine into the magazine catch, but when I insert the two of them into the frame, I cannot rotate the catch lock to lock the pieces into the frame. Is the mag catch lock a piece that typically requires fitting? Do I just save a little off the tab until it rotates?

Thanks, that helped a lot. The new mag catch had a tight fit and was sticking just enough that I couldn't seem to get it engaged correctly. Once I compressed the catch the right amount it still stuck until I worked it in a little.
In his monthly column in Front Sight our resident gunsmith from Brazos Customs once reccommmended polishing the inside of the spring channel of the mag catch to smooth its operation.
In his monthly column in Front Sight our resident gunsmith from Brazos Customs once reccommmended polishing the inside of the spring channel of the mag catch to smooth its operation.

I actually considered polishing the mag catch itself. I used some layout fluid, but didn't find any areas of obvious wear.
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