flecktarn goretex

Jan 20, 2012
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Anyone have experience with surplus flectarn? Cant find any in the US but out of stock prices are very low like $30 bucks for a suit. Thinking of picking up a set for the excruciathlon.
Flectarn is the balls! Try Hesssen antiques/ military.

Get the liner with the flectarn. It's insanely warm though and not a great thing to run in.
I picked up a set of the US digicam goretex stuff last winter for about $100 for the jacket and pants and thought that was a deal. I wouldn't go so far as to call it quiet, but I haven't worn it much so it's still pretty stiff. I'm on the fence whether I like the pattern, but I'm trying to stay dry, not win a beauty/tacticool contest. I do like how small I can roll it.

Had I known about that $35 flectarn stuff I would have bought that.
I picked up a set of the US digicam goretex stuff last winter for about $100 for the jacket and pants and thought that was a deal. I wouldn't go so far as to call it quiet, but I haven't worn it much so it's still pretty stiff. I'm on the fence whether I like the pattern, but I'm trying to stay dry, not win a beauty/tacticool contest. I do like how small I can roll it.

Had I known about that $35 flectarn stuff I would have bought that.

It looks like the going rate is about 80 bucks for the set now adays.
Great thanks! Figure gorex will keep me moderately dry and the surplus stuff is so cheap. Looks like pants only there tho.

Atilla what are you planning on wearing for the run?

federal agent black. hopefully it's gonna be warm enough for me to bring back the WAR ON EVERYTHING shirt.


hilariously i am rocking the fleck in the picture.
Surplus chain " Army Barracks " several brick & mortar storefronts , Salem Ma , North Conway NH , a few others - has german surplus goretex raincoats ( fleck tarn ) for about $25.
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