From the makers of Ninja Glock comes......

I bet its from the guys that made this thing... [rofl]

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.... I'm not even sure what to say... other than "where can I get one?!" If they sent 5 ninjas equipped with this arsenal to Iraq/Afghanistan, everyone would be home by now. Not only does it fire mini-nukes, but solid wood bullets as well!! All those years in Boy Scouts I should have been carving ammo with my pocket knife! I am so buying stock in this company, because they're going places nobody's been!
[rofl]Made of 100% titanium but has carbide in it too ??? also used as a floatation devise that sinks at 60 feet per second.. The best part is that the ninja glock can shoot down aircraft and submarines.. wow[laugh2] last but not least my new word of the day NINJAISM... Priceless imagination
First, a little on DrGrant's post: What purpose does the tactical weedwhacker attachment do? and WTF is the scope bottle for? Though he may appear at first glance to be an idiot, the intimidation factor must be unreal when he approaches you with that lawncare/firearm conglomerate.

And while the Ninja AK is made form 100% polymer 100% titanium and 100% tungsten carbide, it holds 270 rounds of ammo, has an attached Ninja Glock, and yet weighs 1 pound and is a flotation device! Though it appeared to be a bit heavier when he tried to move that behemoth!
Truly a product of overactive imagination.
It should be in a record book somewhere for the heaviest most tactical and yet still useless firearm ever designed.

The Glock is pretty cool though.
My only concern is about the waiting list. I certainly don't want to be one of the people that has to wait for the back order to fill. I'm placing my order (for 19 units) right away.
Ninja-ism is the AK's best feature!!!
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