Full Capacity Magazine Repair/Replacement?

When I stated "IS", I was referring to "Information Services" aka computer geek.

What I hear is that most folks that call CHSB talk with Cosmo (CPA that I didn't remember name earlier). I have heard that folks have spoken with Caroline (attorney) and received legal opinions on the gun laws. I've never heard anyone state that they spoke with Barry to get any legal opinions about gun laws.

Otherwise I give up on your rant!
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When I stated "IS", I was referring to "Information Services" aka computer geek.

I know what it stands for. Hence my observation on your claim about an IS person going to law school.

I've never heard anyone state that they spoke with Barry to get any legal opinions about gun laws.

What I've never heard from you or anyone else is that they TRIED to get Barry and could not. That, and ONLY that, would support your tedious assertions.

Otherwise I give up on your rant!

Psychologists call your accusation "transference." All the better that you abandon the effort. [devil]
Follow Up: I recently spoke with Caroline Sawyer at CHSB. It seems as if the question of repairing a major component, other than the magazine tube, has never been raised.
Her "opinion", and she agreed that it's only her opinion and not the legal final word, was that it could be argued that the originally manufactured magazine has not been replaced by a prohibited part therefore a new production major component part of the magazine "should" be ok. Notice the "should" be ok? The 360+ MA PD’s might have a different opinion. She also said it is important to have both the original receipt of the pistol and the receipt of the replacement part.
Her final opinion (paraphrased): If you are a law abiding LTC-A ALP holder and use a common sense approach to installing a dated part on an otherwise pre-ban magazine it "shouldn't" be an issue unless faced with a worst case scenario situation. After that it's anyone's guess.

It be noted that my original question was asked to Cosmo and another female CHSB employee; both of whom deferred me to Caroline.
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