Girl Scouts Thinking Day on the Air - Feb 18/19

Jun 5, 2010
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Such a great program for the Girl Scouts.

My daughter will be attending an event being put on by our local troops. NVARC is helping out with getting them on the air here in Shirley, MA.

Here's a link to their presentation that talks about their 2015/2016 activities. Scouts TDOTA/Thinking_Day_Briefing-d09.pdf

Very excited about this and I hope it encourages my daughter to go after her tech license.
Very cool! Loved in the slides that Morse was popular, with kids coming back for seconds.
In this generation of texters the digital modes will probably be popular. I regret not setting up for digital at home before my boys got irrecoverably into their teen years where dad's stuff is not cool. Though my 18yo has his General ticket, I'm the only active ham in the house.
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