Glock 19 Not Feeding Hollowpoints

May 20, 2013
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Weird issue. I have tried several magazines and types of hollow points. I've also cleaned her all out, especially the feed ramp and it still seems to happen. Any ideas?

FYI, I can rack the slide and cycle a mag of FMJ through it fine. Since cleaning I can get 4-6 rounds of HPs thru it before it jams like the video.

Any help is appreciated.
Its a Gen 3 19C.

I tried a preban 15 round with a new mag spring and also tried a gen 4 19 mag I had. Ive fired both these rounds in the past with out issue. (hydrashocks and gold dots)
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No I have not. I can get some detailed pics of the barrel later today and post them here. Barrel looks perfect tho. This is totally out of the blue and has me stumped. Its not some new ammo or strange mags. I use all my mags every trip and now all of a sudden this.

that's a fairly new Gen 4 mag in the video I believe.
Had the same issue with my Gen 4 19 using a U notch pre ban. I would load the mag then try and rack it and would get the same results. Quick remedy was to smack the mag further in while it was jammed and that would solve the issue. That solution wasn't good enough for me so I replaced the spring and follower and the issue has since stopped.

That is an interesting dilemma that you are having. Since you replaced the springs already I would contact Glock to see if they can help you out.

Good luck!!
The barrel might not be rocking (tilting) back enough when the slide is to the rear. Take a good look at the top of the barrel and the inside of the slide. I would also like to see how it is feeding FMJ's? Smoothly?
so you've used all your mags previously, and now all your mags do not feed hollowpoints?

Yup. every shooting trip I load up my stack of mags and shoot. last trip I had this happen once with some hollows. so I tried a mag at home to see if it happened again. then I filmed it.
After filming that vid, I loaded up 10 fmj's and racked the slide and it cycled all ten out no issues. I cleaned her up very well and with a mag of gold dots, I can rack about 4-6 thru before it catches like my video above.
Try it while holding the mag in as hard as you can. It's possible your mag release is whacked out and the mag is 1/16" lower than it should be.
That kinda makes sense. My mag release seems like it requires a good amount of pressure to drop a mag. Is a mag release an easy fix? Seems like it wont hurt to replace that regardless.

I will give all these tips a shot when I get out of work.
That kinda makes sense. My mag release seems like it requires a good amount of pressure to drop a mag. Is a mag release an easy fix? Seems like it wont hurt to replace that regardless.

I will give all these tips a shot when I get out of work.

they are not too difficult to do. i have a low-pro one i have yet to get around to installing.

if necessary:

Also, if you don't have a GAT (glock armorers tool) you can use a small, long screwdriver, or better yet, a dental pick, to get it out.

If you're going to pay to buy a mag release, get the Vickers release, its a nice improvement over stock.

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