Glock 19 value

Feb 5, 2011
Franklin, MA
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Been searching around for MA compliant Glock 19's and have been coming up with some fair deals.

Of these two, which sounds like the better deal?

Both Gen 2 G19's

1) Factory Refurb. Like New with 1 10rd mag. for $479
2) Nice cond. with 1 15 rd mag for $425

Not sure how much the 15 rd mags go for, but leaning towards the first one. Thoughts?
If the 15 rounder is a U-notch its basically a wash price wise... I'd almost be biased for the first one if I knew for a fact it had --just- come back from the factory. That way you know the springs are decent and you know that it has all the upgrades.

I'm definitely leaning towards the first one. Now if only my LTC-A would come through so I can purchase before they're gone.

If it is a dealer and the dealer isn't a douche, you should be able to put money down on one (to have it held) before your license comes in. Most (but not all) MA dealers have layaway for this sort of thing.

Ask if it is on fact a factory refurb, or a cerakoted slide. My friend does the cerakoting for a few dealers around here. When glocks come in as trade they hand the slides over to him for a fresh coat.
I think MIke has some very good points here.

If the 15 rounder is a U-notch its basically a wash price wise... I'd almost be biased for the first one if I knew for a fact it had --just- come back from the factory. That way you know the springs are decent and you know that it has all the upgrades.

Good question. New paint isn't a factory refurb.

Ask if it is on fact a factory refurb, or a cerakoted slide. My friend does the cerakoting for a few dealers around here. When glocks come in as trade they hand the slides over to him for a fresh coat.

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Factory refurbs should have a silver sticker on the trigger guard, like mine do.

The owner said they were refinished in what he believes is a tennifer finish. What does that mean to the value?

No need to post twice. Tenifer is the Glock factory slide treatment process. AFAIK they don't "re do" it. None of it really matters, anyways. Glocks hold up pretty well regardless. Even a slide that has that silvery patina of holster wear on it won't readily corrode.

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