Glock 21

Apr 5, 2010
Worcester MA
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Anyone have any thoughts on these? I have seen some second and third gen for around $600 bucks. I have been thinking of picking one up for summer carry. I love my PM9 to pocket carry in the winter but for summer I generally stick to IWB. I figure if I am going to carry IWB I might as well carry something larger. I have heard these have a big grip and I have yet to handle one but for now I figured I would get some general opinions.
Good question. My next purchase is going to be either a G21 or a G30 and I have similar questions.

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Get a G21SF if you can find one. That 2-3mm lopped off the back makes all the difference, unless you have the hands of a gorilla, then it won't matter much anyways. [laugh]

I wouldn't carry a G21 IWB.... way too big for that, although it's certainly do-able with a decent holster and belt... I'd rather just IWB my G30SF, though...

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I have a G21 as a home gun. I have big hands (xl gloves), and the grip borders on too big for me. If you are on the North shore your welcome to check it out.
Hmm maybe I will have to head to a shop or see if there is one at the Marlborough show. I have heard about the SF being much better, but I have not seen one around here for sale. I am a big guy and my typical IWB is a government 1911 so I didn't think size would be too big of an issue.
21 SF is slimmer but not by a whole heck of a lot 21 is fatter than your typical 1911 as it's a double stack with a wider slide. 1911 carries much easier than a Glock 21.

To me a 21 is way too big for summer carry, even almost winter carry....but that's personal preference. To me a 30SF would be more suited for carry.
21 SF is slimmer but not by a whole heck of a lot

Well, that's because it's not slimmer, it's shorter. [grin] The fatness is more or less the same, but the front > back distance between the finger grooves and the backstrap is 2-3mm shorter on the SF.

Anyone have any thoughts on these?

Love it. Definitly my be all end all, if I was forced to pick only "one" if the SHTF handgun.
It is a monster & I never carry it but.
It has a wide grip & fits my hand well, but my hands are not small.
Super reliable & has never jammed after 10's of thousands of rounds.
Handles everything from light steel loads to full house pin loads with ease.
Pre-ban & high cap.
Accurate .45 ACP chambering.
Easily makes major for USPSA & I can shoot limited with mag extentions.
I would definitely recommend it. Thumbs up! [thumbsup]
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Anyone have any thoughts on these?

I love mine!

It's my primary carry gun; summer or winter.

I've owned it since 1990, although I had the frame upgraded for the light rail when they first became available. Which means the S/N on the slide and frame don't match.

I carried the G23 and G30 for short amounts of time, but always came back to this gun.

It's normally carries in a Milt Sparks EX RSO on a Mitch Rosen belt.


I think the grip fits my hand like a glove. With my fingers spread, the distance from the tip of my pinkie finger to the tip of my thumb is nine inches.

I chopped off the grip so that it could accept G30 magazines. This allows me a little bit extra concealment, and still retain full sight radius and barrel length.

My spare G21 on the left, and the daily carry on the right:

I carry a G21 as a duty gun and they are quite large. I can carry it in a IWB if I must but i'm definately a small guy and would prefer something much smaller if i'm actually trying to conceal it. Otherwise they are a great shooting gun and with 13 +1 of .45 ACP how can you go wrong?
My first gun was a G21 and I still own it. I carried it for a couple of years OWB, but it is very big and heavy. You will always know you are carrying a gun and anyone that knows what to look for probably will know also. It will sag your pants on the side you carry and even with a good belt, the handle tends to pull away from your body because of the weight.

The handle prints pretty bad and if you go IWB you might need to buy bigger pants because the thing is thick! If you can deal with all that, you can't go wrong with 13+1 of .45 ACP if TSHTF. Mine has been retired to home defense / zombie duty since I discovered pocket guns.
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I carry a Glock 20 IWB in Comptac Minotaur holster and it makes
Carrying that gun surprisingly easy. People say because of my large frame I can hide a bigger gun, and maybe I can, but the extra layers means I am not quite as mobile hahaha
Yeah I am definitely not a small guy. Best thing I can do is handle one and see what I think. I will either take a ride to the shop when I have a chance or just see if there is one I can play with next weekend at the show. I appreciate all the opinions.
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