Glock 23

Jun 1, 2009
North Shore, MA :(
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So a retired LEO friend is selling me his duty Glock 23 so cheap, I dont even want to post the price. The gun has not been shot a whole lot - most likely qualifications, etc., but has alot of holster wear on the outside of the slide, so I may have it recoated eventually.

I went to MFL today and shot about 30 rounds through it, and I noticed a problem. About 5 or 6 times the slide acted funny. This is hard to explain, but by funny, I mean typically you dont see the slide move, nor really notice its feel - the feel is more the whole feel of the slide, the bang, the recoil, etc.. However, the slide seemed to stall on kicking back, and you could see its full range of motion, almost as if it was moving in slow motion - it even felt like it was moving slow on those 5 or 6 rounds.

Anyone ever experience anything like this?
I notice sometimes on my 27 if someone who's not used to it is shooting, it will have issues with the slide IE lock back with one round left in the mag etc. I never have any issues with it, and it only seems to happen to others when there shooting my 27 vs 23 etc. thus I've always attributed it to grip.
You could send it to Glock for factory Refubr and indicate that you want the slide refinshed. I sent a Glock 21 to them and it came back like a new gun. I think it was $100 sent from Four Seasons.......
I cant remeber the prefix on the ser no, I think it was E had a problem on Glocks that had crack ed rear rail.
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