Glock 32 problems

Jul 29, 2010
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I recently purchased a NIB Glock 32. It came with two 10 round magazines. I took it to the range today. Unfortunately I only brought one magazine with me. The problem is that the magazine falls out after every shot unless I hold it in with my left hand. I thought maybe I was hitting the mag release, but that is not the case. Anybody else have this problem ever? I am not sure if it is the mag or the release. Should I replace the spring on the mag release?
I have a couple other Glocks and have never had such a problem with them.
Thanks guys.
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On the the notches on the mag look damaged, bent or worn in any way?

On the the spring seated correctly in the mag release?
ive had this issue once before. the mag repeatedly dropped out of the gun at odd times and for no reason, i went the cheap route first and payed the 4-5 dollars for a new magazine catch spring and that solved it instantly. id pull yours out and make sure its still as stiff as it should be, and then put it back in making sure its seated the correct way. also check the release button, make sure it isnt worn or cracked and the spring fits in its appropriate slot without any issues
Thanks guys. Looks like there were brass shavings wedged between the frame and mag release that did not permit the mag release to engage the mag completely. We're talking only a few thousand's difference, but that seems to have been the problem.
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