Glock catastrophic failures

here is my opinion on the subject.... it is not a problem in any Glock except a 40S&W.

99.99999% of KaBooms, or KB's as they are more commonly known are the result of setback.

If you chamber a round at the start of the day, and eject the round at the end of the day, putting that round either back into the top of the magazine, or into an empty magazine to use to reload the gun again the next time you use it, you are setting yourself up for a KB

If you re chamber the same round more than a couple of times, because the ramp angle is steep, the bullet can get pushed back just a C hair into the brass. The more you re feed the round, the more it gets stuffed back ,and the more pressure will be generated when the round is finally fired. The over pressurization due to setback is the cause of the failure.

I know there are people who say it is caused by under supported cases, but from my reading just about everything ever written on the subject, IMHO it is setback, and only in the 40 S&W guns.
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