Glock Ghost Rocket Trigger

Mar 30, 2011
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Hey guys, just received my ghost rocket 3.5lb connector today. followed instructions on site, reassembledand feels real nice. HOWEVER, after dry fire & reset, trigger doesnt move all the way forward to set the safety. i have to literally push it forward a little bit in order for it to engage. Obviously this isn't favorable in any sense, but what could cause this? I made sure trigger bar and connector have been polished and lubed with frog lube so there should be very minimal friction there. I also put a 4lb. striker spring and a 6lb. trigger spring. Any help would be greatly appreciated guys! Included a pic of pretty much what's happening. Thanks!!!

p.s. I tried calling Arthur at Ghost but got voicemail and they said don't leave a message just call back.

Ok, just swapped out connectors back to my old LWD 3.5, and it's definitely not the connector thats causing the issue cause it's still doing it... i failed to mention i also replaced the striker with the LoneWolf lightweight one, incase that makes a difference..
Also did you remover the firing pin safety? If so, recheck that the little spring didnt turn sidways and get jammed in there because that could cause the firing pin safety to be stuck down and the trigger bar wont ride past it very smoothly.
well, i had the NY1 spring prior to receiving these new parts. So i installed the following: LWD 4lb. striker spring, LWD 6lb. trigger spring, Ghost 3.5lb Rocket and LWD lightweight steel striker. I started swapping parts out to single out problem, and it seems to be the trigger spring. I installed the new 5lb. Glock trig. spring and it reset as designed with safety engaging. I noticed that the springs are different in length (LWD is a little shorter) but it says designed for all models... so i'm a bit confused... :/
hmm how much shorter is the lwd spring? Could it be overstretching on reset and causing the problem? Or perhaps the 4lb striker spring is just getting over powered by the 6 pound lwd spring...they work against each other as the slide closes. Try your original Glock striker spring and the 6 lb lwd trigger spring and tell me what happens.
alright thanks, im gunna try a little later. i only got that setup cause it was recommended... it's a TREMENDOUS improvement of that junky NY1 spring, i just hope it'll work out. Worst case scenario, i just use the 5lb glock spring which seems to be working o.k.... i appreciate you're help and i'll be sure to post results
I had the same issue. The new 6lb trigger spring was the culprit. That setup ran perfectly in my Timberwolf frame but would not in my G22. I had to switch back to the 5lb stock trigger spring. This became very evident after polishing the internals. The trigger just wouldn't return.
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