Glock, lead or no?

I don't, although I know some people do without apparent problem. I shot a bunch of lead with an HK pistol that I used to own (also a poly type barrel). There was really significant leading after only 100 rounds.
Some people do, some people don't. I know guys that pour lead
through their glock barrels with no problem, but to me it's tempting

Without an aftermarket barrel, I'd say hell no. "Opinions Vary"

If you are going to do it, I'd suggest maybe playing around with the size of
your bullets to keep leading to a minimum.

drop the coin buy a KKM barrel you won't regret it.

Even though Glock says not to, people do it all the time, just keep an eye out for lead fouling and have fun cleaning it.
Or just shoot plated or CMJ bullets... keeps the toxins out of your lungs.

I agree but some folks are cheapskates and good jacketed bullets cost a lot
more than lead ones do, especially if you cast your own and have cheap
sources of lead.

I prefer jacketed but I would use lead if I -had- to or that was all I could

what, didnt believe me when i told you all of this at the club last night?

it's your gun. do what ya want with it. if it goes boom, it was your own doing.
I never cared for cast lead bullets, Glock or not. Too messy IMO.

There must be some reason that Glock puts that disclaimer on their guns. Personally I wouldn't tempt fate on a stock barrel.
I've put over 40,000 rounds of hard cast lead bullets through several Glocks with no problems and I go at least 400 rounds between cleanings.
Why take the chance? An after market barrel is what $200 +/- . Replacing a Glock is $450 on up. Not to mention the chance you might be taking with your hand/face absorbing shrapnel. I just don't think it is worth it to save a few bucks with lead reloads. is your decision. To each his own.
I have a Kahr P45 which also has polygonal rifling. All I can find in the manual regarding ammunition is the caution to use the correct caliber. They shouldn't have to say that but then again they also say that if you pull the trigger the gun will fire. Imagine that!
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