Glock mag question

May 24, 2011
Sutton, MA
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I just bought a Gen 3 G17L from a fellow NES member. It came with a few mags; 2-10's and 1-17. I'm not sure whether or not the 17 is "pre ban". It doesn't look like my other square notch and its obviously not a u-notch. Anybody got any idea?
Don't worry about it.

Unless it says, "Military/LE only" on it, or has the symmetrical magazine catches that only started with the 4th Gen Glocks, it's nearly impossible to tell if a Glock Magazine is pre or post ban. Even Glock can't tell since they made a bunch of the square notch versions before '94.
High caliber markings with angled rear notch, I myself would not be absolutely sure it is preban. Someone will drag out the picture showing "generations" of mags but this is not from any official source and even Glock will not confirm timeline of magazine changes.

Your call. Baring an ambi cut, this mag is questionable. Ambi makes it positively post ban. Some are adamant that mags of this type were available before the ban.

No one can accurately date this mag IMO
Has any LTC-A holder actually been prosecuted for having a post-ban glock mag, and if so what evidence did the prosecution use?
That's a post ban. Caliber marking are high and its FML... Sorry [sad2]

You obviously didn't read the page I attached from Pat Sweeney's book! [rolleyes]

Has any LTC-A holder actually been prosecuted for having a post-ban glock mag, and if so what evidence did the prosecution use?

Glock-US Chief Counsel told me that at least 2 MA DAs had contacted him, looking for evidence to prosecute on this. The DAs left unsatisfied! Glock told them that there was no CONCLUSIVE way to tell (no ambi/metal cut-outs were involved). Anyone who bothers to read the attachment I posted will see that there are 88 mag variations (excluding the 33 rd G18 mags), all made by Glock!!!!!!

So, good luck to those self-appointed experts on Glock mags! I know better than to speculate with those odds.

Glock-US Chief Counsel told me that at least 2 MA DAs had contacted him, looking for evidence to prosecute on this. The DAs left unsatisfied! Glock told them that there was no CONCLUSIVE way to tell (no ambi/metal cut-outs were involved). Anyone who bothers to read the attachment I posted will see that there are 88 mag variations (excluding the 33 rd G18 mags), all made by Glock!!!!!!

So, good luck to those self-appointed experts on Glock mags! I know better than to speculate with those odds.
Get the book. Educate yourself. Listen to LenS. I did. [wink]
So as long as it's not 4th gen (ambi-cut) or govt/restricted .... F the DA right?

If the experts (Glock USA) says that they can't tell which is which and there are over 80 variations, a good firearms attorney could make for a very bad day for any ADA who wanted to pursue that issue.

In fact, Patrick Sweeney is a well known author who really knows his stuff and his book alone would be good evidence that life isn't as simple as sloped metal, FML, and follower numbers.
Pats new book "Glock Deconstructed" is available mid August. When I preordered it, it was scheduled for a June release. Oh well. Worth the wait.
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