Glock trigger connector ?

Mar 20, 2010
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I have a Glock 22 with a NY 1 trigger. It has the 8lb connector. I want to lighten up the trigger. Can I just change out the connector with a 5.5 or 3.5 connector without changing anything else. I Noticed Glock carry trigger kits which include the 3.5 connector with a NY1 trigger spring. I was worried the 8lb spring with a 3.5 or 5.5 connector would not be compatible until I saw these carry kits available.

Since I have the NY1 spring already, could I just change out the connector? Thanks.
First of all, you should NEVER have a "+" (8LB) connector with ANY NY trigger spring. You can go with a "-" (3.5LB) connector with the NY1 spring and that will get you 5.5LB takeup and a 6LB break. Many people have found that to be crisp and clean.
You should be able to just swap out the connector. The 3.5 connector and the NY1 trigger spring are set ups that a lot of people have tried if you look at The results may vary.

What generation glock 22 is this?
What is the gun used for?
Do you know what the trigger pull weight is now and how light you want to go down to?
You should be able to just swap out the connector. The 3.5 connector and the NY1 trigger spring are set ups that a lot of people have tried if you look at The results may vary.

What generation glock 22 is this?
What is the gun used for?
Do you know what the trigger pull weight is now and how light you want to go down to?

It's a 2nd gen DPD Glock 22. On the tupperware box it's labeled NY1. It feels a little lighter than my 10lb M&P trigger, so maybe 8lbs. I could be wrong about the 8lb connector, but Glock built it this way for the DPD. . My research seems to say that a 3.5 connector will be about 6lbs with the NY1 spring. I like the reset the NY1 spring gives, but I would like to lighten up the pull. It's mainly for home defense and I enjoy shooting steel plates with it also. Thanks for any help.
if it hase a NY1 & a connector with no mark (5.5) the it's a a 8lb pull. Swap out the NY1 with a standard trigger return spring and that will put you at 5.5lbs.
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