Got a TC Omega today!

Dec 3, 2008
North Shore MA
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I got a TC omega muzzle loader today, I'm going to try to extend my deer season. It looks well made and it fits nice, came with a scope too[rockon]. Can any one recommend a good load for deer? (bullets and grains), any recommendations or things to look out for? Can tell tell is my first muzzle loader?[wink]
I have one and love it. I shoot the 300 gr bullets and 150 gr ( 3, 50 gr pellets)of triple Se7en made by Hodgdon.
You can shoot either 100 gr 2 pellets or 3 to make it more of a magnum. I figure if its only going to give me one shot that its best to make a good one. I chose the 300 gr bullet figuring I am always in the brush it seems and the heavier bullet should deflect a bit less. (I know not much of a difference.)
Do yourself a favor and get a good range rod. bullet starter and I always use the Thompson Center cleaning patches between shots and it makes it load much easier.
Don't forget to pull the plug after ever 10 shots or so and reapply the Gorilla grease that Thompson makes.
Shooting it 100 yards I find it as accurate as my 30/06. I am only limited by my ability the gun does it's job on placing bullets where it is pointed.
One other tip once you have the bullet firmly seated put a scratch mark on the ram rod and you will be able to see if its seated with the next reload easy. Also would let you know of a double charge etc. It does happen.
Good luck you will love the gun.
Thank you guys!
Harleynut, Thanks for all the info, you removed a lot of doubts I had.

Rep308, nice site you recommended there, I am going to try 100 and 150 gr. and go from there. I think I am going to have a good time braking it in.

Reps incoming!![cheers]
I use .223 powerbelts w/ 100 GR of Triple Seven in my CVA kodiak. I don't see the need for a magnum load when one of the longest shots you'll take around here is about 100 yards.
I have one also, I onlt took 3 shots with it. They came with the gun I want to say they where 250g powerbullets with 2 pelltes. @ 100 yards I put all three shots in the 8" black ring of the target. Im sure with pratice and bullet/powder combo i could do much better. I was s urprised. This was right out of the box.
I have one (actually thats what my daugghter and I are holding in my avatar) I love it! it is super accurate and has a great trigger. I shoot 3 Triple 7 pellets with T/C Shockwave 250gr sabots (the ones with the yellow sabot) This combo drills targets. I topped it with a Nikon BDC Omega Scope. The scope lives up to the billing. I sighted in at 100 yds and used the BDC at 200yds and it was dead on. It is worth every penny!
I got a TC omega muzzle loader today, I'm going to try to extend my deer season. It looks well made and it fits nice, came with a scope too[rockon]. Can any one recommend a good load for deer? (bullets and grains), any recommendations or things to look out for? Can tell tell is my first muzzle loader?[wink]

This sounds like you got the gun used. Here is a link to the manual for it in PDF format.
I got it new it is a Z5, I finally got to read the manual and there is a lot of info there, you guys have been awesome with all the input.
HarleyNut, your offer is most appreciated but my busy work season has not ended yet, still pulling 7 days a week.
NES has the nicest people around no doubt!
TC makes great stuff. I have a TC Black Diamond XR (blue/wood stock) that I purchased from Cabelas for $109 a couple of years ago. I use TC's 240 gr. Mag Sabot with 2 50 gr. Pyrodex pellets and Remington 209 shotgun primer. Very, very accurate at 100 yards. I use during shotgun and black powder seasons in Mass. Enjoy the Omega!
I need to check mine too and will at Country Pond in Newton NH. If the time works out you can be my guest and you can see how it goes.

I actually have to sight in my TCA Omega at the Country Pond Club in Newton, NH. I have been a member there for a few years, but the muzzleloader is new. Harleynut, how did you make out with your Omega?
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