Gotta give credit where credit is due (Kel-Tec)


Nov 20, 2008
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What a wonderful American gun manufacturer. Over the years, I've had nothing but excellent customer service from them, but what I received in the mail today was the tops! I had an old hard chromed first generation P3AT that I could never get running reliably. It had been back to Kel-Tec more than once. I basically gave up on it when I purchased an excellent/reliable second generation P3AT. Well, after sitting for years, I thought, "What the heck... Let's send it to Kel-Tec and see what they'll do." Well, they trashed my old pistol and stamped my old serial number on to a brand spankin' new hard chromed second generation P3AT. I got an entirely new gun with a free magazine because there wasn't a mag in it when I sent it in. Excellent LIFETIME warranty service! And, I'm not an anomaly by far. I've read tons of posts about Kel-Tec's excellent customer support. Glad to see this from an American company.

Forgot to add: And, here's another kick ass feature of the new 2nd gens. You know how it's possible to short stroke the trigger if you pull it after the first click and don't let it fully reset? You then had to rack the slide to re-cock the hammer that fell from half-cock without the energy to fire the round. Now, if you short stroke the trigger, the hammer doesn't fall from half-cock and all you have to do is let the trigger fully out to reset and pull to fire. No messing with the slide at all with the updated hammer block. This could be very useful in a self-defense scenario.
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What a wonderful American gun manufacturer. Over the years, I've had nothing but excellent customer service from them, but what I received in the mail today was the tops! I had an old hard chromed first generation P3AT that I could never get running reliably. It had been back to Kel-Tec more than once. I basically gave up on it when I purchased an excellent/reliable second generation P3AT. Well, after sitting for years, I thought, "What the heck... Let's send it to Kel-Tec and see what they'll do." Well, they trashed my old pistol and stamped my old serial number on to a brand spankin' new hard chromed second generation P3AT. I got an entirely new gun with a free magazine because there wasn't a mag in it when I sent it in. Excellent LIFETIME warranty service! And, I'm not an anomaly by far. I've read tons of posts about Kel-Tec's excellent customer support. Glad to see this from an American company.
wow that kicks ass. I thought S&W was great when they sent me a mag with my 1911 that I sent in without one. You got a new gun!

Judging by your username I figured you'd find some meaning in this pic (my car):
Well, finished baking some Militec gun conditioner on the metal parts, lubed her up and I'm running some snap caps through her right now. Very smooth out of the box. The trigger is a little stronger than my other 2nd gen P3AT that's been shot a lot. I expect this trigger will smooth out and lighten up some like the other one did. Excellent machining and nice polish job on the feed ramp and chamber, which was notoriously problematic with earlier P3ATs. No tool marks, burrs, polymer flashing, etc. Nice to see Kel-Tec has matured their products. Long way from the early pistols.
This is good to know. Kel-tec has had my broken one and maybe it will come back "new" [smile] One can only hope.
As I'm running snap caps... How do you tell when they are worn out? These are the all metal Azoom ones with a rubber/silicone insert in the primer pocket. They all have a definite firing pin dent. How long can I uses these until the dent gets so deep that it would be like not using them at all?
This is good to know. Kel-tec has had my broken one and maybe it will come back "new" [smile] One can only hope.

If it's a 2nd gen, it probably won't be an entirely new pistol. Mine was an old 1st gen and parts are probably few and far between so it was just easier for them to stamp my old serial number on a new 2nd gen pistol. One thing I recommend is to either email or call Kel-Tec and tell them you want the updated hammer block. This is a good the last part of my first post. They'll do it for free.
I love their small size and their affordable price
Too bad they're not available in MA
Another +1 for kel-tec. I lost the firing pin on my p3at[slap] so I called them up and told them. They took down my address and asked if there was anything else they could do for me. I asked how much it would be and they said free [smile] a few days later it was in my mailbox

I've got two very low number P-11's no complaints here!! I wanted more info. on the Kel-Tec line ( this was back in 97 ) and they sent me this huge pile of stuff to long to list and are truly kind and knowledgeable, to see how far they've come is a tribute to the company!
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