I am having a problem with mis-feeds (jams) when mags are loaded with more than 10 rnds. I'm using Remington gold hp's. Any input would be appreciated.
My GSG wouldn't cycle the Remingtons either,would jamb every other shot.Try Federals,CCI or Winchester and you should have better luck. I've put over 3K rounds through it with no problems since switching.
My don't like Rem. Or some lead nose ammo. Copper plate ammo shoots good. Wall mart ammo Is good. I clean it after 500 rounds or so. Some ammo has wax on bullet gums up bolt face.
also, make sure you are not holding the mag when you shoot
check the guide rods, if they are loose, it will cause jams also,
i'm at about 10k through each of my gsg's all wally world fed bulk pack
no problems related to the gun w/ those tips